Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!

This website was created with you in mind! Like many new yoga teachers, I came out of my initial YTT (Yoga Teacher Training) feeling somewhat unprepared, lacking confidence, and doubting my abilities. This was due in part to my lack of teaching experience, since there is little time in the 200 hour YTT devoted to […]

Teaching the Power of Dristi in Yoga

Teaching the Power of Dristi in Yoga

Yoga, in its essence, is about uniting the mind, body, and spirit. It encourages finding presence, awareness, and connection—principles that extend beyond the physical postures (asanas) and into every aspect of life. One such powerful practice in yoga that helps us cultivate this connection is the use of Dristi. Dristi, often translated as “gaze,” is […]

How a Coach Can Benefit New Yoga Teachers

How a Coach Can Benefit New Yoga Teachers

Starting a career as a yoga teacher can be both exciting and overwhelming. After completing your training, you might find yourself filled with enthusiasm to share yoga with others, but at the same time, you may have questions and uncertainties about how to navigate the challenges of the profession. One of the most effective ways […]

Master Teaching the Bandhas

Master Teaching the Bandhas

One of the most important aspects of our role as yoga teachers is guiding students toward a deeper connection with their practice. Among the myriad of tools available to enhance this connection, the bandhas—often translated as “locks” or “seals”—are some of the most powerful. These energetic techniques can significantly improve a student’s alignment, breath control, […]

Setting Intentions in Your Yoga Class: A Guide for Teachers

Setting Intentions in Your Yoga Class: A Guide for Teachers

As yoga teachers, we hold the unique opportunity to create a space that not only nurtures the physical asana practice but also encourages mental, spiritual, and emotional growth. One powerful tool in our teaching arsenal is the concept of setting an intention, or Sankalpa in Sanskrit. Intentions help to guide the energy of a class, […]

Breathwork or Pranayama? Is there a Difference?

Breathwork or Pranayama? Is there a Difference?

The Buzz If you’re anything like me, when you hear a new buzzword, you must investigate!  I’ve been hearing and seeing lots lately about “breathwork” (one word).  I became curious about breathwork events with no mention of yoga in their description.  How can this be?  The breath work I’m familiar with is the fourth limb […]

How to Balance the Nadis

How to Balance the Nadis

According to yoga philosophy, in the subtle, energetic body there are pathways called nadis – An estimated 72,000 of them (36,000 on the right side of our body, and 36,000 on the left) that move Prana (life force energy) through our body. The Three Main Nadis Ida Nadi – which begins and ends on the […]

Hands-Off to Hands-On Adjustments?

Hands-Off to Hands-On Adjustments?

As a new yoga teacher or trainee, do you give (or plan to give) hands-on adjustments in your classes? Or, are you more hands-off? Read on and you may reconsider your decision. During my 200-hour YTT, I learned all sorts of options for giving manual adjustments and assists while teaching. In fact, one of the requirements […]