Is Teaching a Yoga Series Right for You?

Is Teaching a Yoga Series Right for You?

In a previous post, we talked about Planning and Teaching Yoga Workshops. So, what is the difference between a workshop and a series?  Read on as we discuss the differences, benefits, and more. Benefits for the Teacher and the Studio As a new yoga teacher, proposing to teach a series class, like a workshop, may […]

10 Tips for New Yoga Teachers

10 Tips for New Yoga Teachers

There is so much information to process as a new yoga teacher.  It’s easy to get “in your head” about everything you’ve learned to provide a well-rounded, memorable class to your students.  Memorizing your sequence alone can lead to anxiety (I always had notes handy in the beginning), let alone presenting your theme, Pranayama, and […]

Yoga For Equestrians

Yoga For Equestrians

Have you ever thought of combining your passion of yoga with another passion? I teach On the Mat, Yoga for Equestrians classes and workshops which combines my passions of yoga and horseback riding. It wasn’t very long into my early days of practicing that I saw a lot of parallels between yoga and riding.  I’ve […]

Teaching Guided Meditations

Teaching Guided Meditations

What is a guided meditation? There is a lot of talk about mindfulness and meditation these days because meditation is proven to offer many benefits from increasing calmness and overall emotional well-being to improving mental cognition and reducing memory loss. Meditation, or Dhyana in Sanskrit, is the 7th limb of yoga as described in Patanjali’s Yoga […]

Self-Care for Yoga Teachers

Self-Care for Yoga Teachers

As a yoga teacher, you passionately give so much of yourself to others.  It’s easy to overlook the importance of taking time to relax, re-charge, and replenish your own energy.  Your own practice may even suffer since most of your time on the mat is spent with others in mind prepping for the classes you […]

Teaching the Niyamas Naturally

Teaching the Niyamas Naturally

As I had hoped, teaching the Niyamas (self-discipline or observances) came much more naturally to me than when I started to teach the Yamas. Once I opened my heart to what these meaningful gems meant to me, it felt completely effortless to share them with others. I’m confident it will be the same for you.  […]

Teaching the Yamas in Today’s World

Teaching the Yamas in Today’s World

I must admit, when I decided to teach the Yamas (restraints) and the Niyamas (observances) – the first two limbs of yoga in Patanjali’s eight-limbed path, there was a bit of uncertainty on my part. I recalled my 200 hour YTT (yoga teacher training) and first being introduced to the eight limbs. How foreign and […]

How to Beautify Your Yoga Class with Jewels

How to Beautify Your Yoga Class with Jewels

There are so many tools available to us as yoga teachers to help facilitate bringing our students into a relaxed and present state.  In a recent post, we discussed Pranayama (breath control) and the reasons we incorporate the 4th limb of yoga into our physical practice. Other useful tools for centering and grounding students include […]

To Peak or Not to Peak? That is the Question!

To Peak or Not to Peak?  That is the Question!

Sequencing Tips for New Yoga Teachers Should you build your yoga sequence to a “peak” pose? At some point in your yoga teaching journey, the time will come to build your own sequences. In your yoga teacher training, you may have been taught to always peak to a chosen pose. Or, you may have been […]

How to Teach Pranayama

How to Teach Pranayama

How comfortable are you teaching Pranayama (breath control)? As a new teacher, my comfort level was somewhere around a two on a scale of one to ten. Not comfortable at all. But like anything else, with practice it became much more comfortable, as it will for you too. Here are a few tips on teaching […]