How to Theme a Yoga Class

How to Theme a Yoga Class

Themes? I’m not even sure that word came up in our teacher training. Well, maybe it did. It certainly wasn’t something we focused on or spent any serious time discussing. And honestly, in my opinion, it can be one of the most difficult aspects of planning and teaching a class. You’ll most likely want to […]

How to Plan and Teach Yoga Workshops

How to Plan and Teach Yoga Workshops

So, you’ve decided to teach a workshop! Now what?  Where do you begin?  In this post, I will share my experience and strategies for developing, planning, and teaching workshops. You may assume since I have not been teaching yoga for very long that I don’t have much experience in this area but in a former […]

Teaching With Music

Teaching With Music

Have you ever taken a yoga class without music? When I first started practicing, my teacher didn’t use music of any kind during our practice.  Since I hadn’t practiced yoga before, I didn’t know any difference and actually, since I was just learning and focusing completely on the teacher, it might have been a good […]

My Favorite Teachers

My Favorite Teachers

Hopefully, you signed up and received Yoga Teacher Journey’s free guide: 10 STEPS TO START TEACHING WITH CONFIDENCE NOW, and you’ve read Step 3,  Emulate Other Successful Teachers.  This is fundamental when it comes to finding inspiration, your own voice and your own teaching style.  By continuing to take classes, observing, and emulating successful teachers, […]

Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!

This website was created with you in mind! Like many new yoga teachers, I came out of my initial YTT (Yoga Teacher Training) feeling somewhat unprepared, lacking confidence, and doubting my abilities. This was due in part to my lack of teaching experience, since there is little time in the 200 hour YTT devoted to […]

Creating a Home Practice Space

Creating a Home Practice Space

One thing is for certain. No matter where you currently are on your teacher journey path, you need a space to practice. Making time to be on your mat for your personal practice is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and for your students. Not only is it still super […]



Photography is one of my passions.  I’m not great, but I enjoy it and pretend I know what I’m doing. Fun fact: my husband and I just bought a truck camper this summer so we could start living out our dream of traveling to places we’ve always wanted to go. So far we’ve visited Acadia […]