Teaching All-Inclusive Versus All Levels Yoga

Teaching All-Inclusive Versus All Levels Yoga

There are buzz words in the yoga industry that sometimes go unexplained.  We end up forming a definition in our minds based on what we think they are. Hopefully, the following post will help to dispel some of the ambiguity of two terms frequently used: all levels and all-inclusive. Teaching All-Inclusive Classes Creating an all-inclusive […]

How to Ground and Center Your Students

How to Ground and Center Your Students

As a yoga teacher, what is the most effective way to ground and center students? Do they provide the same benefits? What does it actually mean to ground or center and why do we do it? Keep reading for answers to these questions and more. “Come to Center” Take a moment to recall your first ever […]

10 Tips for Teaching Beginner Yoga

10 Tips for Teaching Beginner Yoga

Have you thought about teaching a class, workshop, or series of classes, specifically for beginners?  One that requires teaching the fundamentals of yoga? What are the fundamentals of yoga?  When teaching a class full of beginners, they are there for the basics of yoga.  We must assume that they know nothing – even if they […]

How and Why You Should Teach the Koshas

How and Why You Should Teach the Koshas

Early in my 200-hour training, we were given an assignment to choose from three systems of energetics to explore and write about: the chakras, koshas, or vayus.  At the time, I knew nothing about any of these systems and randomly chose the koshas.  Little did I know that researching this topic would spark a desire […]

How to Boost Creativity in Your Yoga Classes

How to Boost Creativity in Your Yoga Classes

Do you feel stifled at times when planning your classes? Perhaps you’re feeling pressure to create new, inspiring classes each week but you have come to an impasse.  Whether you’ve just started teaching or are a seasoned yoga teacher, this conundrum is sure to occur from time to time. Read on for tips on bringing […]

Yoga Teachers are Students Too

Yoga Teachers are Students Too

Do you agree that yoga teachers are students too?  We all started as yoga students and just because we completed a 200, 300, (or all at once 500) hour YTT (yoga teacher training) does not magically give us all the knowledge we’ll ever need to teach yoga. We don’t just stop being students. And we […]

Exploring Arm Variations in Your Yoga Class

Exploring Arm Variations in Your Yoga Class

Do you remember the traditional arm positions you were taught in your YTT (yoga teacher training) when learning the “full expression” of the postures? Now it’s time to spice it up with some creative, well-designed, arm variations and movements! Read all the way through for the best variety and demonstrations. Try Weaving These Variations Throughout […]

9 Starting Postures for Your Next Yoga Class

9 Starting Postures for Your Next Yoga Class

And Where To Go From There Do you always start teaching your class in the same predictable posture?  As students arrive, do they automatically get into that shape?  Here are 9 postures that may help get the creative juices flowing to make a more interesting – and effective beginning to your next yoga class! The […]

Six Struggles New Yoga Teachers Face

Six Struggles New Yoga Teachers Face

It wasn’t long ago the struggle was very real.  I battled each one of these challenges as most new yoga teachers do. What changed?  Continue reading to see how to get past each of these very real struggles and flourish in your yoga teaching career. 1. LACKING CONFIDENCE After completing your 200 Hour YTT (yoga […]

How to Hold Space for Your Students

How to Hold Space for Your Students

Do you know what “holding space” means?  Do you know how to intentionally hold space for someone?  As a yoga teacher, do you know how to hold space for your students and why it is important?  In this post we’ll explore what “holding space” means and learn if you’re doing it correctly. Appropriately “holding space” […]