Should New Teachers Register with the Yoga Alliance?

Should New Teachers Register with the Yoga Alliance?

This is a common quandary most newly certified yoga teachers experience. Therefore, you may also wonder: what is the value in registering with the Yoga Alliance (YA)?  After all, it is somewhat pricey, at an initial total registration fee of $115.00 (2021 rate of a $50 application fee and $65 annual dues) it is nothing […]

More Secrets of Successful Cueing

More Secrets of Successful Cueing

For new yoga teachers, having the confidence to properly cue students into postures is one of the most challenging obstacles in their new career. If you are reading this post, it is probably because you too are a little uneasy in this area.  There is no doubt that all teachers started right where you are […]

7 Strategies to Becoming an Authentic Yoga Teacher

7 Strategies to Becoming an Authentic Yoga Teacher

“Yoga uses the body to discipline the mind and reach the soul.” – B.K.S. Iyengar Have you heard the term “imposter syndrome?”  I’m sure you have and you know it’s a real thing.  When you are starting out as a yoga teacher – and even well beyond the initial teaching phase – feelings of being […]

What Students Want You to Teach Them Online

What Students Want You to Teach Them Online

Students taking your online yoga class want something more than they could get just by searching for any free class on YouTube. So what exactly are they hoping to get from your online class? CONNECTION We all have been lacking and longing for connection since the first time we heard the early 2020 word of […]

Teaching with Sanskrit

Teaching with Sanskrit

I remember being intrigued by the beautiful language of Sanskrit as a yoga student, before I began teaching.  There was something captivating and mysterious about hearing the names of the postures in Sanskrit as I was practicing them.  Some became familiar, “Tadasana, Uttanasana, Ardha Uttanasana… ” and I would take comfort, and some pride too, […]

Top 5 Places to Teach Yoga Other Than a Studio

Top 5 Places to Teach Yoga Other Than a Studio

During these strange times, new yoga teachers (all yoga teachers actually) might have difficulty finding a job teaching in a yoga studio.  Even with studios beginning to open with new protocol and class size limitations, some students just aren’t ready to return to the studio.  But we ARE all ready to see each other again, […]

Six Secrets of Effective Cueing

Six Secrets of Effective Cueing

You’re well on your way to teaching your first class, or maybe you’ve already started but still lack confidence in the cueing department.  The first step is to know you’re not alone!  All new teachers struggle with confidence in the beginning. It’s a scary thing to get up in front of a group of people […]

10 Tips for Finding Your Niche

10 Tips for Finding Your Niche

As a new teacher you will be super excited about receiving your teaching certification (as you should be!) and will most likely jump at your first opportunity to teach. This is perfectly understandable and normal! You will need to experience teaching for some time before you decide on a niche for which you are best […]